Part I: from the Arabic   list grid

Introduction: “This is that which hath...”
1: “My first counsel is this...”2: “The best beloved of all things...”3: “Veiled in My immemorial being...”4: “I loved thy creation...”5: “Love Me, that I may love thee...”6: “Thy Paradise is My love...”7: “If thou lovest Me...”8: “There is no peace...”9: “My love is My stronghold...”10: “Thou art My stronghold...”11: “Thou art My lamp...”12: “With the hands of power...”13: “I created thee rich...”14: “Thou art My dominion...”15: “Turn thy face unto Mine...”16: “Forget all save Me...”17: “Be thou content with Me...”18: “Ask not of Me that which We desire not...”19: “I have breathed within thee...”20: “My claim on thee is great...”21: “Upon the tree of effulgent glory...”22: “Noble have I created thee...”23: “To the eternal I call thee...”24: “Transgress not thy limits...”25: “Vaunt not thyself over the poor...”26: “How couldst thou forget thine own faults...”27: “Breathe not the sins of others...”28: “He that biddeth men be just...”29: “Ascribe not to any soul...”30: “Deny not My servant...”31: “Bring thyself to account...”32: “I have made death...”33: “With the joyful tidings...”34: “The spirit of holiness...”35: “Sorrow not save that thou art far...”36: “Rejoice in the gladness...”37: “Divest not thyself...”38: “Walk in My statutes...”39: “Neglect not My commandments...”40: “Wert thou to speed through...”41: “Magnify My cause...”42: “Humble thyself before Me...”43: “Make mention of Me...”44: “Thy hearing is My hearing...”45: “Seek a martyr’s death...”46: “Ponder and reflect...”47: “By My beauty! To tinge thy hair...”48: “For everything there is a sign...”49: “The true lover yearneth...”50: “If adversity befall thee not...”51: “My calamity is My providence...”52: “Should prosperity befall thee...”53: “If poverty overtake thee...”54: “If thine heart be set...”55: “Busy not thyself with this world...”56: “Thou dost wish for gold...”57: “Bestow My wealth upon My poor...”58: “The temple of being is My throne...”59: “Thy heart is My home...”60: “Put thy hand into My bosom...”61: “Ascend unto My heaven...”62: “Many a day hath passed...”63: “The light hath shone on thee...”64: “My eternity is My creation...”65: “My majesty is My gift to thee...”66: “Ye shall be hindered...”67: “By My spirit and by My favor...”68: “Know ye not why We created...”69: “Ye are My treasury...”70: “...I have wafted unto thee all the fragrances...”71: “Write all that We have revealed...”

Part II: from the Persian   list grid

1: “The first call of the Beloved...”2: “The bird seeketh its nest...”3: “In the garden of thy heart...”4: “Whither can a lover go...”5: “Verily I say unto thee...”6: “Know, verily, the heart...”7: “Thou art but one step away...”8: “Be swift in the path of holiness...”9: “Pass beyond the baser stages...”10: “Give ear unto this: Never...”11: “Blind thine eyes, that thou mayest behold...”12: “Close one eye and open the other...”13: “I fear lest, bereft of the melody...”14: “Abandon not the everlasting beauty...”15: “The time cometh, when the nightingale...”16: “Myriads of mystic tongues...”17: “The gates that open on the Placeless...”18: “...a new garden hath appeared...”19: “Have ye forgotten...”20: “Ages have passed...”21: “I desire communion with thee...”22: “The learned and the wise...”23: “Mortal blasts have beset...”24: “Wherefore do ye wear the guise...”25: “Ye are like clear but bitter water...”26: “Ponder awhile...”27: “All that is in heaven and earth...”28: “At many a dawn have I turned...”29: “Out of the wastes of nothingness...”30: “Many a dawn...”31: “Wouldst thou have Me...”32: “The candle of thine heart...”33: “Hearken to the delightsome words...”34: “With the hands...”35: “Quench ye the lamp of error...”36: “The wise are they that speak not...”37: “Abandon not for that which perisheth...”38: “Burst thy cage asunder...”39: “Be not content with the ease...”40: “Free thyself from the fetters...”41: “Didst thou behold immortal sovereignty...”42: “Purge thy heart from malice...”43: “Walk ye in the ways...”44: “Hear no evil...”45: “Even as the swiftness of lightning...”46: “Wherefore have ye neglected...”47: “Put away the garment of vainglory...”48: “Be forbearing one with another...”49: “Tell the rich...”50: “Put away all covetousness...”51: “Be not troubled in poverty...”52: “Ye have suffered My enemy...”53: “...wealth is a mighty barrier...”54: “The poor in your midst...”55: “Cleanse thyself from the defilement...”56: “The company of the ungodly...”57: “Beware! Walk not with the ungodly...”58: “Wouldst thou seek the grace...”59: “Think not the secrets of hearts...”60: “Verily I say, whatsoever ye have concealed...”61: “A dewdrop out of the fathomless ocean...”62: “Turn not away thine eyes...”63: “ unforeseen calamity followeth you...”64: “Withdraw your hands from tyranny...”65: “My forbearance hath emboldened you...”66: “The tongue I have designed...”67: “Know, verily, that while the radiant dawn...”68: “Wherefore have not these soiled hands...”69: “Holy words and pure and goodly deeds...”70: “Pleasant is the realm of being...”71: “Call ye to mind that covenant...”72: “Thou art even as a finely tempered sword...”73: “Thou art the daystar of the heavens...”74: “For a fleeting sovereignty...”75: “Set not your affections...”76: “Guidance hath ever been given...”77: “In the night-season the beauty...”78: “Quaff from the tongue...”79: “How long wilt thou soar...”80: “Ye are the trees of My garden...”81: “The basest of men are they...”82: “The best of men are they...”
Postscript: “The mystic and wondrous Bride...”