Help / FAQ

Installing on iOS / Android / Windows / MacOS

This site is a Progressive Web App (PWA) and should be installable on mobile devices and computers. Installing in this way should download all of the audio and text content, making the app available offline, and should provide a full-screen experience.


  • Open Google Chrome
  • Visit
  • Open the menu in the upper right and click on "Install app"


  • Open Safari
  • Visit
  • Open the menu in the upper right and click on "Add to home screen"

(Note: iOS support for PWAs is limited and buggy. Playback will stop if the screen turns off or the app loses focus, and offline data may be removed after a period of disuse. )

Windows / MacOS

installing The Inner Essence app on MacOS

  • Open Google Chrome (MS Edge should also work)
  • Visit
  • Open the menu in the upper right and click on "Install The Inner Essence : The Hidden Words..." (You may have to wait a moment before the option appears)

Reporting issues and/or questions

Please report any problems with the website or app in the Github issue queue for this project.